Stefano Chessa Altieri
Stefano Chessa Altieri is a PhD candidate in Global History and Governance at the Scuola Superiore Meridionale (Napoli, Italy) and at the Center for History at Sciences Po (Paris, France) under the supervision of Professor Mario Del Pero. His doctoral research seeks to navigate the complexity of post-Cold War human rights advocacy in the United States and to explore its impact on American foreign policy towards China following June 1989’s Tiananmen crackdown. This research follows on from his MSc thesis which sought to recast the historiographical charge of inconsistency between President Carter’s unprecedented human rights rhetoric and the 1979’s formal opening of diplomatic relations with China. This research was undertaken at the London School of Economics where he graduated with distinction under the supervision of Professor Steven Casey. At Sciences Po Stefano also works as a teaching assistant for an undergraduate course on the history of the 20th and 21st Century and I co-organize the annual LSE-Sciences Po Seminar in Contemporary International History. Prior to joining the Research School, Stefano completed two Master’s degrees in European Affairs at Sciences Po, and an LL.M. at Fudan University, Shanghai. He has also worked four years for the Markets and External Affairs Division at Bocconi University in Italy.