Sogol Edriss Abadi
Sogol Edriss Abadi is a Ph.D. candidate in International and European Law at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University, and her dissertation is on “The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iranian Nuclear Issue in the Light of International Law”. Her dissertation aims to analyze this complex agreement called JCPOA, which was endorsed by the Security Council, and to determine its legal nature, as well as its implementation, which has been called into question since May 8, 2018, following the Trump administration’s announcement to end the United States’ participation in the JCPOA.
She received her Bachelor’s degree in Law from the University of Science and Culture in Tehran (in Persian: Daneshgah Elm va Farhang). She then came to France in order to continue her studies in international law and obtained a Master’s degree in International Law and International Relations from the University of Jean-Moulin (Lyon 3). In addition to her academic activities, during which she was a teaching assistant and tutor-librarian at the Universities of Paris 1 and Paris 2, respectively, she completed a three-year internship at Shearman & Sterling LLP in Paris, where she was in charge of enriching the Doctrinal database.