Basile Chartier
Basile Chartier is a Ph.D. candidate in public international law at the Sorbonne Law School (Paris I University) and University of Luxembourg, where he conducts his research on Settlements Agreements in International Economic Law. Basile is also research fellow at the International Max Planck Research School for Successful Disputes Resolution (IMPRS-SDR, Heidelberg / Luxembourg), and a teaching assistant at Sorbonne Law School (Master's course, International Investment Law).
Prior to joining the Research School, Basile completed two Master's degrees in Economic Law and International Economic Law at Paris I University, and an LL.M. at City University, Hong Kong. He also served as an assistant to Sir Michael Wood at the 65th session of the UN International Law Commission; he interned at the International Criminal Court and attended the Summer Course of The Hague Academy (Public Law).