Anna Safronova
Anna Safronova is a Ph.D. candidate at the History department at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University in France. Her thesis is on the history of the cooperative movement in Russia: actors, practices, and institutions, 1861-1932, and she works under the supervision of Professor Marie-Pierre Rey. Anna specializes in the social, political, and economic history of the late Russian Empire and early Soviet period. Although Anna hasn't finished her thesis yet, she already has experience organizing scientific conferences and research seminars with the researchers from her home institution as well as professors from other institutions as well. Anna believes that working with specialists from different institutions, the cooperation between scholars of different universities is a rich source of insights that are fruitful for research. Anna is the author of several articles in French journals. Her most recent publication is a book chapter in an edited collection on the history of cooperatives.
In addition to her research subject on cooperatives, she is particularly interested in the research of material history, the way the ordinary objects conserve traces of their usage, the biography of objects. In the future, she would like to organize a research seminar on the material history of soviet objects and to strengthen the connections that she hopes to build during her doctoral mobility.