Amandine Gorse

PhD student at the University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne under the supervision of Professor Étienne Jollet, Amandine Gorse is currently pursuing a thesis in art history entitled “Art and fashion criticism in French women’s newspapers (1750-1804)”. Her research focuses on four important fields of inquiry: the history of art, the history of women, the history of fashion and the history of press. It led her to contribute to the scientific edition of an anthology, directed by Anne Lafont at the National Institute of History of Art between 2009 and 2012. At the same time, she co-organized the international symposium “Art and Sociability in the Eighteenth Century”, whose proceedings were published in 2016. She won a research scholarship of excellence from the University of Paris-Nanterre and carried out a digitization campaign of textile collections held at Palais Galliera, the Paris Fashion Museum, and of graphic collections held at the Von-Parish-Kostümbibliothek in München.


A. Legrand, A. Gorse, « Transdisciplinarité ? Sources, méthodes, instruments : l’innovation numérique au service de l’Histoire de la mode », Apparence(s) : histoire et culture du paraître, forthcoming
J. Fripp, A. Gorse, N. Manceau et N. Struckmeyer (éd.), Artistes, savants et amateurs : art et sociabilité au XVIIIe siècle (1715-1815), Paris, Mare & Martin, 2016.
Lafont, C. Foucher, A. Gorse (éd.), Plumes et pinceaux. Discours de femmes sur l’art en Europe (1750-1850), vol. 2 : Anthologie (journaux, mémoires, correspondances), Paris, Presses du réel/INHA, 2012,
« La promotion des artistes dans la presse lyonnaise : les cas du Journal de Lyon et du Journal de Lyon et du Midi (1784-1804) », in D. Rabreau (dir.), Le public et la politique des arts au Siècle des Lumières, Bordeaux, William Blake & Co., 2011, pp. 345