Revolving Closets, Open Undergrounds: Clandestine Homosexualities in the French Banlieues
A Talk by Mehammed Amadeus Mack
Mehammed Amadeus Mack will be talking about the interplay between French urban space and the formation of homosexual subcultures. His talk will explore the relationship between architecture, urban planning, and sexuality. He will also linger over art forms like fashion and music videos, which are heavily dependent on urban subcultures for aesthetic inspiration.
Mehammed Amadeus Mack is an Associate Professor of French Studies at Smith College, where he teaches courses on Franco-Arab cultures, travel literature, the development of French Islam and media studies. He is the author of Sexagon: Muslims, France, and the Sexualization of National Culture (Fordham University Press, 2017). His next book project, tentatively titled "Eurabia: Reverse Crusades and Counter-colonization in European Culture," focuses on dystopian visions of a European future in which the continent has been overrun by immigrants.
This event is co-sponsored by the Columbia Maison Française, the Institute for the Study of Sexuality and Gender, Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, and the Department of French.