I was awarded the Alliance Doctoral Mobility Grant to conduct individual dissertation research in the fall of 2018 with the support of my home supervisor Professor Jeremy Dauber at Columbia and under the supervision of Professor François-Xavier Nérard at the Center for Slavic Studies at Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. My dissertation, defended with distinction in 2021, provides an intellectual history of Soviet Yiddish antifascism and my stay in Paris proved extraordinarily fruitful to advance my research. Prof. Nérard is the head of Research Area 5 “War and Traces of War” of the LabEx project “Écrire une histoire nouvelle de l’Europe” which shared major objectives with my research. Further, archival research at the Mémorial de la Shoah and a profound research cooperation with the Maison de la culture yiddish – Bibliotèque Medem, Europe’s biggest and oldest Yiddish research library located in Paris, made my stay in Paris into the perfect environment to refine my dissertation in the unique ways that could only be achieved through this transatlantic cooperation. I'm truly grateful to the Alliance Program for this opportunity.