Organized by University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and its UFR of Political Science
In Honor of the Arrival of LynNell Hancock, Alliance Program Visiting Professor to Paris 1
March 8
from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM
Bachelard Amphitheater in Sorbonne
Presented By
LynNell Hancock , Professor of Journalism at Columbia University in New York, Columbia Journalism School and Alliance Program Visiting Professor
Sandra Vera Zambrano, Professor of Communication at the Iberoamericana University of Mexico
Guiliano Bobba, professor of political communication at the University of Turin
Frédérick Bastien, professor of political communication at the Université de Montréal
This conference is open to the partners of the Alliance program so that all partner institutions can benefit from the arrival of Professor Lynell Hancock in Paris.
To participate, simply register via the link below: IdyegWI0aZMtin3L2 Thank