Round table discussion with Craig Spencer, MD, Terry McGovern, JD, and Dadan Kardiana (EHESP)
Craig Spencer MD MPH is the Director of Global Health in Emergency Medicine at New York-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center and an Assistant Professor of Medicine and Population and Family Health at the Columbia University Medical Center. He divides his time between providing clinical care in New York and working internationally in public health. He has worked in Africa and Southeast Asia as a field epidemiologist on numerous projects examining access to medical care and human rights, including measuring mortality and maternal health in Burundi, access to legal documentation in Indonesia, child separation in emergencies in D.R. Congo and South Sudan, and coordinating Doctors Without Borders (MSF) national epidemiological response in Guinea during the Ebola outbreak. In addition to his international public health work, Craig has provided medical care in the Caribbean, Central America, West and East Africa, and most recently abroad onboard a MSF medical search and rescue boat in the Mediterranean.
Terry McGovern, JD, currently serves as Harriet and Robert H. Heilbrunn Professor and Chair of the Heilbrunn Department of Population and Family Health and the Director of the Program on Global Health Justice and Governance at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. At Mailman, Ms. McGovern teaches courses in Health and Human Rights and Environmental Justice Advocacy. Ms. McGovern founded the HIV Law Project in 1989 where she served as its executive director until 1999. Ms. McGovern successfully litigated numerous cases against the federal, state and local governments including S.P. v. Sullivan which forced the Social Security Administration to expand HIV-related disability criteria so that women and individuals can qualify for Medicaid and social security, and T.N. v. FDA, which eliminated a 1977 FDA guideline restricting the participation of women of childbearing potential in early phases of clinical trials. As a member of the National Task Force on the Development of HIV/AIDS Drugs, she authored the 2001 federal regulation authorizing the FDA to halt any clinical trial for a life threatening disease that excludes women. From 2006 until 2012, she was Senior Program Officer in the Gender, Rights and Equality Unit of the Ford Foundation. Ms. McGovern currently serves as a member of the UNFPA Global Advisory Council, the HIV Prevention Coalition, the Standing Lancet Commission on Adolescent Health and Wellbeing, and the UCL-Lancet Commission on Migration and Health.
Dadan Kardiana is EHESP’s project coordinator of TRAIN4M&H (Training for Migration and Health). A European funded project aimed at developing skills of first-line professionals working with migrants and refuges, on health related modules. Along with IOM, EHESP contributes to manage the implementation of the project in France which targeted health professionals, law enforcement officers and social workers.
Event co-organized by EHESP and Columbia Global Centers | Paris
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