Unchain My Art

Unchain my Art has the ambition to enhance art exhibitions globally. Nowadays, numerous art pieces are in the hands of private collectors all around the world, while more exhibitions encounter large-scale public success. The need to connect both is pressing and would benefit all, but as collectors want to stay anonymous, museums can hardly connect with them. To solve this problem and enable exchange in a trustworthy environment we imagined a collective blockchain-based platform that can certify ownership while ensuring anonymity. Our project will help museums in their mission and make culture accessible to all.

Meet the Team

Maxime Michel graduated from EDHEC Business School in 2018 and is now studying history of art at la Sorbonne and the Courtauld Institute of Art in London. In the past, he has interned for an auctioneer at Drouot, the historic place for auctions in Paris, before going to China where he was an assistant for the director of the curraotrial department of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Museum. He has a strong appeal for the arts and its market.

Raphaël Grenier also graduated from EDHEC Business School, where he met Maxime. He is a lawschool graduate as well and has interned in the Corporate department of Reed Smith lawfirm in Paris before moving to Casablanca where he advised foreign companies in the creation of new entities as a PwC employee.  He has lived in the United States and Lebanon besides France and Morocco. He loves foreign cultures and has a strong interest in entrepreneurship.