Jean Joël Tekou Tene
Jean Joël Tekou Tene is a PhD student in law at the Sorbonne Law School, holder of a Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies en Droit des Affaires (D.E.A) and a professional Master 2 in International Transport from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne. Specialist in foreign exchange regulations and customs law in the extractive industry (Oil, Gas, Mining). He worked as Head of Customs and Foreign Exchange Regulation Unit in the Oil, Gas and Mining sector within the international firm mazars (Central Africa office). He is also a member of the African Centre for Research on Energy and Mining Policies (CARPEM) and in charge of tutorials at the University of Paris 1 (Sorbonne). He regularly publishes in specialized Journals (science po review, International Journal for Financial Services, etc.).