Anne-Charlotte Cervello
Anne-Charlotte Cervello is a fourth-year PhD candidate at Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University. After graduating as class valedictorian from a Master 2 in International Economic Law, she was received to Paris Bar Examination, but chose to pursue a PhD to study the Overlap between International Trade Law and International Investment Law.
In parallel of her research and her work as teaching assistant, she has been very involved in academic activities : Anne-Charlotte organizes bi-monthly seminars around international and European law current issues, and participates as Editor to the Sorbonne Student Law Review. She also volunteers as Reviewer for the GISTI, an association that accompanies migrants in their legal procedures, and publishes legal notes and practical guides. Her interest in various legal fields resonates with her research methodology, which consists in comparing different legal frameworks and analyze the impact of their coexistence on international actors.