Jeanne Balibar in conversation with historians Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini, Emmanuelle Loyer, and Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile, moderated by Emmanuelle Saada
Violette Nozière, the criminal, Delphine Seyrig, the actress, Páscoa, the slave. French actress Jeanne Balibar grapples with these three figures in a roundtable conversation with three French historians who have researched and written about their lives. Jeanne Balibar will be performing excerpts of the women’s stories in a performance called “Les Historiennes” at FIAF on October 13, and this conversation provides an opportunity for her to converse with the historians, Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini, Emmanuelle Loyer, and Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile, who gave shape to these three women’s histories. They discuss how to give voice to these women from the past, how to narrate – and perform -- their stories and histories. Through a discussion about the destinies of these three women, and their different experiences of emancipation, however paradoxical, we get a glimpse into the ways historians write about, and actresses perform, the lives of women from the past. This intimate conversation among friends also offers a portrait of Jeanne Balibar’s craft as an actress and their craft as historians of the same generation.
Jeanne Balibar is a celebrated French actress and singer whose 2017 performance in Barbara earned her a César Award for Best Actress. Her many other films include The Duchess of Langeais (2007), All the Fine Promises (2003), and My Sex Life … or How I Got Into an Argument (1996).
Event co-sponsored by the Columbia Maison Française, Society of Fellows and Heyman Center for the Humanities, Alliance Program, and French Institute Alliance Française. Event made possible with support from the Institut Français and Cultural Services of the French Embassy.