A lecture by Sandra Laugier with introduction by Pierre Force
Maison Française East Gallery, Buell Hall
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Sandra Laugier discusses some of the most provocative aspects of the ethics of care in a French context and why it has been controversial. She presents the ethics as a subversion of traditional ethics and feminism, and as a redefinition of politics.
Sandra Laugier is Professor of Philosophy at Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France, and Senior member of Institut Universitaire de France. She specializes in Ordinary Language Philosophy, Ethics, American Philosophy (Cavell, Emerson, Thoreau) and gender studies (Ethics of care). Her recent books include Tous vulnérables, le care, les animaux et l’environnement and Face aux désastres, le care, la folie et les grandes détresses collectives.
Read Full Text: "The Ethics of Care as a Politics of the Ordinary" Here
This event is co-sponsored by the Columbia Maison Française, Department of Philosophy, and Alliance Program with partial support provided by the Cultural Services of the French Embassy.