
Past Event

E4C Challenge - Kick-Off

February 1, 2023
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
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Drahi Xnovation Center, Ecole Polytechnique Amphi Drahi Xnovation Center 91120 Palaiseau France

Interdisciplinary groups will be created with students from around the world to create projects which responds to the following question:

What solution would you adopt to reduce your energy consumption?

The aim of this challenge is :

  • Develop interdisciplinary perspectives on controversial energy issues
  • Develop soft skills in students as conflict resolution, teamwork
  • Put students hard skills into practice as well as challenge their creativity


Come to the Kick-off, Frebruary 1st at 6:00 PM at Drahi X-Novation Center (École Polytechnique)

You will have details on the Challenge and on what is expected from you ; the plateform used for the Challenge will be presented and finally, you will be invited to a cocktail to start meeting your potential future team-mates... or competitors

You can already create your account on Agorize, the Challenge's platform, to be updated on the Challenge: