The European Union's latest effort to create a safer digital space has arrived in the form of the Digital Services Act, which is part of a legislative package to strengthen transparency of online platforms and protect the fundamental rights of users. Join our panel that examines the DSA and what could be incorporated into legislative efforts by the United States to effectively regulate online platforms.
Anu Bradford, Columbia Law School
Henry L. Moses Professor of Law and International Organizations, Columbia Law School. Researcher in: international trade law, EU law, digital regulation, and comparative and international antitrust law
Ellen Goodman, Rutgers Law School
Professor and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives at Rutgers Law School, Senior Fellow at German Marshall Fund
Marietje Schaake, Stanford University
Former MEP; International Policy Director at Stanford University's Cyber Policy Center. International Policy Fellow at Stanford's Institute for Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence
Paul Tang, Member of European Parliament
Senior Member of the European Parliament for the Dutch Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA). His priorities involve the fight against tax evasion, digital taxation, sustainable finance & platform regulation.
Mutale Nkonde, AI for the People
Emmy-winning filmmaker, technologist, and scholar. Founder: AI for the People, a communications firm focusing on the future of racial justice in an increasingly technological world. Previously, AI policy advisor:
introduced the 2019 Algorithmic Accountability Act, the Deepfakes Accountability Act & the No Biometric Barriers Act to Housing to the US House of Representatives.
Part of the 2022 Niejelow Rodin Global Digital Futures Policy Forum, organized with SIPA's Technology, Media, and Communications Specialization.