
Past Event

AC4 & Earth Networks CRISP in Climate Overshoot Presents:

October 8, 2024
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
The Forum at Columbia University, 601 W. 125th St., New York, NY 10027 Meeting Room 316

The Pacific: Where East Meets West to Chart the Future of the 21st Century

President Moetai Brotherson of French Polynesia will address why the future of the 21st Century will be defined by the challenges facing the Pacific. The Pacific holds mineral riches, but is challenged by deep-sea-mining risks.  The Pacific needs peace and stability to prosper but is challenged by geo-political strategic competition.  The Pacific is defined by contradictions: sun, beaches, and ample sea life, as well as oxygen at the bottom of sea, but also nuclear testing and plastic pollution.  How these diverse challenges are addressed will define the 21st Century.

Speaker: President Moetai Brotherson of French Polynesia

Moderator: Jenik Radon

This event is sponsored by the Climate and Resilience for Interdisciplinary Science and Practice in Climate Overshoot Network at CCS. 

The Earth Networks program provides a framework of support for interdisciplinary collaboration across Columbia University, to promote fresh approaches to research, education and impact on themes related to climate, sustainability and the future of planet Earth.

**Event will take place in room 315, food and refreshments will be served in room 316. 

Contact Information

Azin Aliabadi, Program Director of Impact Partnerships & Co-Director of the CRISP in Climate Overshoot Network, Columbia Climate School